Northcentral PA AHEC Oral Health Conference: Sept. 16
Northcentral PA AHEC will hold its annual Oral Health Conference, September 16, at Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport. All are welcome!
The conference will focus on “Radiation Safety for the Dental Radiographer” and “Nutrition and Dentition.” Exhibitor and conference sponsorships are available.
To register or for more information, please contact Marlene Doan at officemanager.ncpaahec@gmail.com or 570-724-9145.
Speak Up for Fluoride Training: July 15
Join the Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health and the American Fluoridation Society on July 15 for a free in-person training on speaking up for fluoride. The session will feature fluoridation data and practices in Pennsylvania. Attendees will learn common anti-fluoridation arguments and communication techniques to enhance the impact of messages.
The training will be held at Harrisburg Area Community College and include breakfast and lunch. There are 5.0 CEUs pending approval for dental providers.
Register now for the event.
Rural Oral Health Toolkit Compiles Information, Resources, Best Practices
An updated Oral Health Toolkit is available on the Rural Health Information Hub. The toolkit compiles information, resources, and best practices to support development and implementation of oral health programs in rural communities.
Modules provide an overview of oral health in rural communities, program models and how to adapt them in rural areas, examples of rural oral health programs, resources to support oral health program implementation in rural communities, evaluation frameworks, methods and metrics, funding and sustainability strategies, and methods for disseminating results.